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Author beatrice lacey
Posted 6/18/03; 9:33:39 AM
Topic Favorite composers list : What's yours ?
Msg# 3765 (in response to 3764)
Prev/Next 3764/3766
Reads 951

richard strauss (dont know what exactly but heard some thing wonderful on the radio recently and keep meaning to find out more about him. the obvious B and M words My friend plays chopin like he has my heart in his hand . Heard some early 18c cuban and latin american music recently and suspected Leonard Bernstein found inspiration for some of his west side story.

I like some some debussy but i cant tell you what.but I have been surprised. Bartok ( I love the energy and rythms) I like the songs of franz schubert and duke ellington,hoagy carmicheal choral music by rutter . I came across a piece of music written for cellos by a chap named kodally and liked it. the Improvisations of john coltrane and charlie parker. thelonious monk and Frank Zapper.

I must admit that what i have heard of scott joplin rattles my cage somewhat. Is that what you are looking for? Its a strange mixture and making this list has been surprising as i have never thought about it before. I know this is only a tip of the iceberg for me and I dont consider my self a music buff of any kind.

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Last update: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 at 9:33 AM.