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SongTrellis Music Editor For Macintosh
The Rhythms - African, Afro-Cuban And Swing Rhythms
The Changes - Chord Progressions for Practice, Improvisation, Composition and Study
Video links - interesting music videos found around the Web
Great Performances-Wonderful Performances of Tunes Listed In The Changes
Dave Luebbert's Favorite Recordings
The Animations - Musical Scores Animated As QuickTime movies
From Nothing To Something in 144 minutes - case study showing how Dave Luebbert created a new tune with the SongTrellis Music Editor in a few hours one afternoon
Become A SongTrellis Composer - Reasons to present your work on the SongTrellis site
SongTrellis Jukebox - Will visit in random order some of the better original compositions submitted to SongTrellis. A description of a tune will display in your browser and the tune will play as a background sound. When the tune completes a new tune's description will come forward and begin to play. Refreshing a tune description page will cause the tune to restart. Pressing the Jukebox link in the link bar at the top of a page will interrupt whatever is playing and start a new tune.
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Editor: David Luebbert; Updated: 5/27/08; 12428 hits. Suggest a link.

Last update: Friday, November 10, 2000 at 12:50 PM.