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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 6/19/03; 1:18:33 AM
Topic Favorite composers list : What's yours ?
Msg# 3771 (in response to 3768)
Prev/Next 3770/3772
Reads 908


  It doesn't matter what spin Kubrick put on his medium,  in the end, what stands out and endures is the music he used.

  His filming and imagery were wonderful but please note the music he used was composed long before Stanley was born.  I care not a whit about the silly superman aspect.  What I find most interesting is the power and sweep of well crafted musical composition.

What's more, if Kubrick actually believed in the BS he is quoted as having said in this case,  the magnificent Strauss piece would never had made it to the audio strip on the edges of the thousands of copies of  '2001..' produced and disseminated.

Spin, BS and fawning for the 'intellectuals' is one thing.

 Reality is quite another.    Chas. 

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Last update: Thursday, June 19, 2003 at 1:18 AM.