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Author David Luebbert
Posted 9/2/09; 10:25:06 PM
Msg# 5667 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 5666/5668
Reads 404

Here I've taken a Tunetext specification of a melody and changed the instrument that performs this score to be a Standard Drum Kit, instrument number 16384. Now the different pitches of the original melod select different sounds that can be played by that drum kit.

Here's the Melody Voice 1 parameter list:


The instrument parameter that's colored red here makes the interpreter perform the idea with a Drum Kit.

Make sure you press the "Loop Tunetext" button that appears in the Tunetext form when you click on these scores.

Tunetext demo12
Click on music to play    Submitted on 8/30/09; 1:29:09 PM  by David Luebbert

For the Tunetext Button below, I tell the interpreter to build all of the notes of the rhythm on the pitch 'g' in the fourth octave and then give a list of fractions that cause the notes to be built on 'g'. This pitch is assigned to a bell sound in the Standard drum kit.

Here's the Melody Voice parameter list I used:


Tunetext demo13
Click on music to play    Submitted on 8/30/09; 1:32:09 PM  by David Luebbert

Now I change the pitch used 4 times which causes four diferent sounds from the drum kit to played in sequence. I've inserted 'use:' parameters at change pitch, which changes the drum sound, at the beginning of each beat in the score.

Here's the parmlist:

'inst:16385,use:g,1/4,use:d,1/12,1/12,1/12,use:e,1/16,1/16,1/8,use:a,1/28,1/28,1/28,1/28,1/28,1/28,1/28' Tunetext demo14
Click on music to play    Submitted on 8/30/09; 1:33:55 PM  by David Luebbert

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