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Author David Luebbert
Posted 9/2/09; 10:18:24 PM
Msg# 5666 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 5665/5667
Reads 399

These two Tunetext Buttons show how you can play a single idea at two different speeds by changing a single parameter setting in the middle of a parameter list.

Make sure you click on these scores to hear the music play. Then when the Tunetext page launches, press the "Edit This Tunetext" button to open an editing form which will show you the parameters that were used to build the score. You can add new parameters to change the scores to play something different.

First we repeat the same melody fragment twice, by duplicating the same set of Tunetext parameters twice in our Melody 1 parameter list. The first repetition is shown in red, the second in green:


The '*4' at the end of the red grouping changes the next note duration back to 1/1, the default whole note duration that was in force at the beginning of the entire parameter list.

Tunetext demo10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 8/30/09; 1:24:04 PM  by David Luebbert

Here's the Melody Voice 1 parameter voice definition for the next Tunetext Button: 'inst:41,/8,eb,eb,eb,eb,*4,/3,d,d,d,*3,/2,c,c,*2,/8,eb,eb,eb,eb,*4,/3,d,d,d,*3,/2,c,c'

The parameter list here differs from the previous in only one parameter, the '*2' at the end of the red group, which was *4 in the previous example. This scales the next note duration value set at the beginning of the second repetition to 1/2 (half note duration, half as long as a whole note) which ensures that everything specified during the second rep plays twice as fast.

It's interesting to press the "Loop Tunetext" button in the Tunetext form to hear how this sounds as it joins back to the beginning.

Tunetext demo11
Click on music to play    Submitted on 8/30/09; 1:25:55 PM  by David Luebbert

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