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Author David Luebbert
Posted 10/14/07; 8:46:33 PM
Topic One Down, One Up
Msg# 5335 (in response to 5334)
Prev/Next 5334/5336
Reads 756

Jean-Luc, I thought that the Hal Leonard publication The Music of John Coltrane would have this, but no soap. It does have lead sheets for nearly every other Coltrane composition I can think of including the music from Interstellar Space, Sun Ship, Expression, Prayer and Meditations, etc. His early originals and his last.

With Coltrane's music, fortunately there's a backstop, if you're willing to pay a small amount of money. Andrew White has transcribed more than 650 of Coltrane's solos. He's good about providing chord progressions to go along with the transcriptions when he's able to figure them out.

His catalog lists at least three performances of One Down, One Up (#503 - the performance with Roy Haynes which was originally released on the album "To The Beat Of A Different Drummer", #401 - from a Ozone Records bootleg, 27 choruses, I wonder if this is the Half Note aircheck, and #344 from "The New Thing At Newport".

Andrew's not online, you have to talk to him by phone, Fax or U.S. Mail.

His address is Andrew's Music 4820 S. Dakota Ave N.E. Washington, D.C. 20017

His phone is 202-526-3666. His Fax is 202-526-4013

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Last update: Sunday, October 14, 2007 at 8:46 PM.