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Author Greg Luebbert
Posted 1/20/04; 12:55:00 PM
Topic What d'yall like?
Msg# 4100 (in response to 4099)
Prev/Next 4099/4101
Reads 968

Right back at ya, Mr. Shoonmaker.

But hey, your reputation precedes you. My dad was telling me you're a big Ravel fan. How's that workin' out for you? The only Ravel I've heard, I'm sorry to say, is Bolero (yes, I am a hopeless Philistine). What's he done that I should be listening to?

Ah, and dad, you sly dog you. Yes, of course I'll give some more background on Richard D. James. He's a nutty Welshman- that more or less sums it up. He drives a tank- scuse me, armored car- around Cornwall, used to live in a bank vault, and once put sandpaper on the turntable at one of his concerts just for fun. Aside from all that, and some assorted other oddities, he makes a wide variety of very clever music. If you wanna read about his questionable lifestyle, check out this FAQ.

If you want to see some very very peculiar music videos (he is of the MTV generation, after all), try these. But don't watch them before you listen to his music, because you'll get entirely the wrong impression. Videos 522 and 526. The others are different artists.

Ah well, this message is getting a little brogdingnagian for even me. There was something else I wanted to ask about, but I'll put it in a separate message. Thanks for the responses, guys. And Charles, give me a Ravel recommendation, all right?

-Greg the Mighty

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