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Author Greg Luebbert
Posted 1/18/04; 8:15:23 PM
Msg# 4097 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 4096/4098
Reads 1139

Hello everyone.

This board seems a little slow at present. (Two messages? C'mon!) So I'd like to kick things up a bit. Yes, I'm Dave Luebbert's son, and as a sort of experiment, I thought I'd try a bit of webolocation (like echolocation, but not as squeaky). Here goes.

What music would y'all who read this board recommend I listen to?

I am the prototypical wayward child of the nineties. Seduced by television. Benumbed by rock music. My morals hopelessly warped by gangster rap. But I am curious as to what kind of stuff I'm missing. My dad's been steering me towards Ornette Coleman and Dolphy and such, but I'm afraid I'm a bit of an avant-garde jazz philistine. I'd rather Eat that Chicken than study Ornithology. I've listened to Parker- brilliant, but too showy for my liking. Too high school jazz band. (remember, I'm having to come at my jazz from the future, where every half-rate soloist rips off Parker ad naseum. It's like Monty Python skits for me: ruined, ruined, ruined.)

On the classical front, I love Satie, I love Stravinsky, I pay proper obeisance to the old masters, but of them I only really like Bach. Who're some interesting composers to listen to? Please don't say Mahler. My friend is studying music, and he's having some kind of horrible Mahler phase. (I remember when we were kids and he used to rave about John Williams, for God's sake)

As for what I recommend to all of you? Listen to Aphex Twin. If you like jazz, check out "Cool Ass Violin Solo", with the nice Herbie Hancock-sounding piano interlude. If you're classically inclined, listen to his Philip Glass collaboration on Icct Hedral. Very cool stuff. His latest album is a direct homage to Satie.

Anyhow, I expect to see more action on this board. No more talking only about chord changes and stuff. Let's make this into a fun board, where you can talk smack about music no matter what you like. My girlfriend only listens to Justin Timberlake. Help!

-Greg the Mighty

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Last update: Sunday, January 18, 2004 at 8:15 PM.