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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 1/13/04; 12:50:33 PM
Topic Blue in Green
Msg# 4083 (in response to 4082)
Prev/Next 4082/4084
Reads 851


As a fellow guitarist, I'm curious as to what you consider an ' arrangement for guitar'. Your thoughts please ! If you do a Trellis search for ' Blue in Green', you'll find a number of GIFs in a guitar friendly key. However, guitar friendly keyed GIF's are not listed for all tunes. I think this is a matter of practicality on Dave's part. He can't be expected to transpose and list multiple scores for all instruments. In most instances, I've bitten the bullet and learned to muck thru the many Eb scores as printed. As a guitarist you know how much fun this often is NOT. Again, your thoughts please ! Dave may want to kill me for bringing up this topic but I couldn't help but react to your mention of guitar arrangements. Please tell us more as to key, might find most comfortable for your guitar. Soon to be dead meat, Chas

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