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Author David Luebbert
Posted 9/2/09; 11:07:07 PM
Msg# 5669 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 5668/5670
Reads 518

Make sure you click on these scores to hear the music play. Then when the Tunetext page launches, press the "Edit This Tunetext" button to open an editing form which will show you the parameters that were used to build the score. You can add new parameters to change the scores to play something different.

This is a new Tunetext feature. You can declare a key for a particular chord progression (eg. key:g). Then rather than specifying a particular chord root, you can specify the chord root using a Roman numeral that expresses the interval distance of the chord root from the key pitch. Valid Roman numerals are I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII, which build chords on the specified major scale step in the declared key. In the key of G, I would build a chord on G, II on A, III on B, IV on C, V on D, VI on E, and VII on F#.

You can add a # or b to the end of the roman numeral to choose chord roots between those built on the pitches of a major scale. IIb would build a chord on the pitch Ab in the key of G. IV# cause a chord to be built on the pitch C# in the key of G.

If you change the key specification, all of the chord roots generated would be changed to accommodate the newly declared key.

The declaration we used to generate these chords is : inst:1,key:g,VImi7,IImi7,V7,IMA

which builds a VI-II-V-I sequence in the key of G.

Tunetext demo18
Click on music to play    Submitted on 8/30/09; 2:05:58 PM  by David Luebbert

In the next Tunetext, we've copied the original sequence definition and changed the key specification at the beginning of each repetition. The tunetext knows how to properly pick the correct chord roots specified by the Roman numeral formula when we change the root for a repetition.

Tunetext demo18
Click on music to play    Submitted on 8/30/09; 2:21:19 PM  by David Luebbert

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