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Author David Luebbert
Posted 4/19/07; 9:16:18 PM
Topic 6-26-03 First Try
Msg# 5211 (in response to 5209)
Prev/Next 5210/5212
Reads 809

Ratoya, welcome to SongTrellis! I hope you tell your fellow students and teachers about SongTrellis and that it helps you in your musical endeavors.

The title for this tune is a little misleading. I invented the chord progression I used for that tune in the late afternoon of that day in a few minutes time. I did the 6-26-03 First Try in about an hour once I had the chords and then created another tune on the same chords, "6-26-03 Second Try" about an hour after that. So that was my first try that evening.

I was using the SongTrellis Editor for Macintosh at the time, and it was providing me with a lot of assistance to invent and try out a lot of new melodic ideas very quickly. If I were doing this at the piano, each one of those compositions would have taken me days to produce.

My big enthusiasm is to try to get more folks to do creative things with music. I want to get the idea across that folks can pretty easily start to compose for themselves when they have access to good musical software tools.

The SongTrellis site has some pretty cool tools available for new composers to use. Take a look at and and the Chord Grid. If you need help figuring out how to use these, let me know and I'll try to explain how they work in greater detail.

Dave Luebbert

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Last update: Thursday, April 19, 2007 at 9:19 PM.