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Author ratoya
Posted 4/19/07; 4:36:11 PM
Topic 6-26-03 First Try
Msg# 5209 (in response to 3786)
Prev/Next 5208/5210
Reads 772

you did great for your first time!!! I am a beginner in music myself I sing some and so does my family, and I have this very hard Music Theory class that I have to pass. The test itself is a nightmare (4 beginners) and I really want to pass but I need help.  I come to this site, and I fall in love!!! LOL truly I love it. It's helpful in many ways more than one and very detailed more than any other site I've been to today. By the way My name is Ratoya I am a sophmore at Frederick Douglass high school in Atlanta, Georgia. My music theory teacher name is Mrs. Bishop you may know her, her music abilities are amazing. Too bad for her students, she worst than tough, well thats it......and Again A Great Piece, this "First Time". Great.

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Last update: Thursday, April 19, 2007 at 4:36 PM.