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Author David Luebbert
Posted 12/13/06; 10:05:33 PM
Msg# 5090 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 5089/5091
Reads 2914

Tunetext URLs begin with Three optional named parameters may follow:




When more than one of these occur in a tunetext URL they are separated by the '&' symbol.

The parameter text following the title= should include descriptive text that does not include spaces. If you do wish to include spaces in your title, substitute the character string %20  everyplace a space would go. e.g. title=Row,%20Row,%20Row%20Your%20Boat

eg. title=As%20Viewed%20By%20Eagles

The title= parameter is optional. If it is omitted from the URL the title given to the tunetext will be the string "Example".

The value of the bpm= parameter is a numeric value specifying the tempo of the score measured in quarter note beats per minute (bpm).

e.g. bpm=100 specifies that score created by the URL should be played at a tempo of 100 bpm.

If the bpm= parameter is omitted, the default tempo for the score will be 200 bpm.

The text= parameter must be included in any Tunetext URL. The text typed after text= is the tunetext, which specifies the content of voices in a score.

 Most importantly there can be up to 64 individual voices specified for a score in tunetext. The format of a voice specification is voicename:(comma delimted parameters). Valid voicenames are: chords, voice1, voice2, ..., voice63.

Within the parentheses of 'voicename:()' are listed a set of comma delimited parameters which specifiy note names, rests, chord names, octaves in which to record following notes, and scaling factors to apply to the current duration which will be used to record succeeding notes, rests and chords.

Note pitches are specified by name. The permitted note names are C,C#,Db,D,D#,Eb,E,E#,Fb,F,F#,Gb,G,G#,Ab,A,A#,Bb,B and B#. Because sharps have a predefined meaning in URLs. The sharp symbols in these names must be replaced with the URL symbol %23. A specification for A# must be rendered as A%23.

 All note pitches are recorded in one default octave of the staff until that octave is changed, by including a octave number in the comma delimited paramter list for a voice.

 Valid octave numbers are 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7.

Example: 4,c,d,e,5,g,gb

causes the pitches c,d and e to be entered into octave 4 of the staff with the current voice duration followed by g and gb entered into octave 5 using the current voice duration.

Rests are specified using the character 'r'.

 Chords are specified by a name which includes the root of the chord and its chord type name. The SongTrellis server will determine a voicing for the chord given this specification.

 Example chord names: AMA, Bmi, C7, Bbmi(b5), DMA7, Fmi7, Gb7sus

 The chord type names listed on the SongTrellis Chord Grid webpage provide the spellings of all permisible chord type names. Any name that includes the '#' sign should substitute %23 for the '#' symbol.

 The default duration at the beginning of a voice specification is a whole note duration. Any notes listed in that voice will be recorded with whole note duration until that duration is modified by applying a numerical scaling factor to it.

 Including the /2 operator in the parameter list for a voice, specifies that the current duration for note, chord and rest entry will be divided by 2, and all succeeding notes will be given half the duration of those notes entered before the /2.

 /3,/4,/5,/6,/7, etc. are all valid duration divisors.

Including the *2 operator in the parameter list for a voice, specifies that the current duration for note, chord and rest entry will be multiplied by 2, and all succeeding notes will be given twice the duration of those notes entered before the *2.

*3,*4,*5,*6,*7, etc. are all valid duration multipliers.


The chord voice specification


 causes the sequence of whole note chords CMA7,GMA7,CMA7 and FMA7 to be added to the chord voice of the tunetext score. They are whole note duration because the default duration for the chords voice has not been scaled at any point in the specification.

In the example


the quarter note A, half note Ab, and quarter note G are added in the fifth octave of voice1 of the score.

A complete example URL:, chords:(inst:1,DMA7,GMA7,CMA7,FMA7),voice1:(inst:41, 4,/4,A,*2,Ab,/2,G,*4,f%23,r,r)

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Last update: Thursday, September 6, 2007 at 1:35 AM.