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Author David Luebbert
Posted 12/13/06; 6:58:38 PM
Msg# 5089 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 5088/5090
Reads 944

This is the score for "Row, Row, Row Your Boat".

The entire specification of this score was made using a SongTrellis Tunetext URL typed into a web browser.

If you click on this score, that URL will appear in your browser, and the score will be performed for you in the web page that is displayed by your browser.

Click on music to play

If you want to follow along as the score plays. the top note in every column of notes is the melody that is being played. The stack of notes below is the chord that plays as accompaniment.

Soon there will be a feature provided on the Workscore Chord Entry, Chord Entry By Grid,  and Workscore Composer pages to translate the contents of a SongTrellis member's Workscore into a Tunetext URL. It will also soon be possible to copy tunetext to a member's Workscore.

Every time you click on the score, you may notice that the score is played slightly differently. The SongTrellis server is revoicing the tune's chord progression for every request to produce a different rendition of the tune.

The variation of chord progression voicings that occurs here demonstrates how the SongTrellis Music Editor for Macintosh, the software which responds to this request, has been used by Dave Luebbert, the SongTrellis webmaster, to produce many of the chord progression scores recorded in The Changes department of this site. When used as a stand alone music editor on a Macintosh, the Editor revoices a tune's chords every time it is played unless the chord voicings in a score are frozen.

For The Changes, Dave enters the chords into a score by naming the root, chord type and duration of each chord like happens in the Workscore Chord Entry page. Then he plays the score once or twice, till he likes how the score's chords are voiced, and then saves the score twice, once to produce the printable score image and again to record the MIDI sequence, both of which he posts to the SongTrellis Song Discussions as messages. He then promotes those messages so that they are included The Changes.

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Last update: Monday, July 19, 2010 at 4:29 PM.