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Author Steve Barkhurst
Posted 4/5/06; 11:15:37 PM
Msg# 4813 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 4812/4814
Reads 792

I''m a piano player./composer and new member (tonight). After a long "career" in saloons, I've found a new career, doing music therapy for Alzheimer's facilities. Talk about an audience that appreciates and recognizes standards! Doctors are agog at the memories Duke and Hoagy jog. But that's another, yet heartwarming, story.

When my Real Book is missing something, or when I can't quite pick changes out of the air with a rusting memory, or when I am not satisfied with I-IV-V strictures, Song Trellis, for the last six months, has been a fine source of changes and creative substitutions. Usually, a light dawns when I look at them that would take me a couple hours of doodling to find ... if at all. Enough of self-intro. I joined today because I'd like to contribute a variation of what I found on the site for I Love Paris as a thank you for all I've found to agree with. It's in cut-time on the site. I've reduced it from 32 bars to 16 for easier typing. Sorry if my beats-per-chord aren't crystal clear. I tried to use spacing as code.

4/4 C- B+ | Eb ma7/Bb A-7b5 (sus4) | C- B+ Ebma7/Bb A-7b5 | D-7b5 G7 | D-7b5 G7 | D-7b5 G7 | D-7b5 G7 | C- ||

C D-7 | E-7 D-7 | C E-7 Eo7 | D-7 G7 | F F#o7 | C/G A7 | D-7 G7 | C |


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Last update: Wednesday, April 5, 2006 at 11:15 PM.