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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 1/19/06; 7:06:54 PM
Topic Imrovisation on the changes of All The Things You Are
Msg# 4688 (in response to 4684)
Prev/Next 4687/4689
Reads 1148


 Sorry if I was a bit of a wise-arse last night but first let me venture that there are no real  'rules.. per se '  to improvs. If you play something based on an established tune and you like it . great ! .. if someone else likes it too .. Fantastic !

   However, these particular improvs by Bernie Chinn did have one dificult criteria : by copyright law, he was not allowed to include any lead lines from the original tunes .. so I hardy see how he might have voiced them to suit what one's ear would expect from the title .. Yes ??

 OK,  as promised, later tonight I will send you another improv or two that Brenie has done on just this tune.  this way I hope you'll understand how loose and potentially creative this un-format can be.  I also suggest you listen to his improv on Jobim's Meditation .. it's a small masterpiece that never seems to get near the original tune yet I can play my version along side and they fit hand-in -glove !!

 I hope this begins to help ..and check your mail for further stuff,  Chas 


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Last update: Thursday, January 19, 2006 at 7:06 PM.