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Author David Luebbert
Posted 6/16/00; 2:37:28 PM
Topic Welcome to EditThisPage vistors!
Msg# 445 (in response to 444)
Prev/Next 444/446
Reads 1055

I've been wondering about Flash. Is there a way for a non-Macromedia application to create Flash formatted files? When I create animations with the SongTrellis music editor, they end up being 5 or 10 times as large as the entire editor. When I try to compress the resulting QuickTime movie, the algorithms applied either cause the movie to blow up to an even larger size or else shred the movie in ugly ways.

These movies seem like they should compress massively since they just momentarily change the paint of notes from black to red when they begin to play and then change from red back to black when they stop playing. The only time the screen totally changes is when we turn the page when the last page of notes has been totally played.

Flash seems like a pretty compact animation technology. It would be fun to see what could be done with it.

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Last update: Friday, June 16, 2000 at 2:37 PM.