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Author Umberto
Posted 10/27/04; 6:22:18 AM
Msg# 4341 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 4340/4342
Reads 929

Hi..I came across this site because I saw that someone was looking for help on an old Spanish song..which was obviously "Guantanamera.."  My problem is I have this song listed as "Nuestros Pueblos" ..the artist is listed as Ramito De Puerto Rico, but i cannot find any information of a song linking that Ramito aritst title.  I know there is a guy named Flor Morales Ramos, who was referred to as Ramito de Puerto Rico, but I cannot find info on him having performed that song...does ANYONE know ANYTHING regarding this track? :(    i'm kinda finding nothing....thanks in advance!

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Last update: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 at 6:22 AM.