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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 6/6/03; 7:32:04 PM
Topic one note samba
Msg# 3743 (in response to 3742)
Prev/Next 3742/3744
Reads 834

Sebastian,  See if this helps....

On guitar I use essentially the same arrangement as on the trellis...with a few mods to make it work for my ear.


My fist line goes :  Dm7,  Db7,  Cm sus,  B7b5 (importamt !  make sure you nail the F on the top string here)  F is the ' star' note of the One Note Samba.  Also,  when you hit the B6 wind-up,  use a full six string B6 up on the sixth fret......a five string cheaer off the first fret doesn't work 

 To review...make sure you have a F on the top the first four chords.  The main adjustment here is that the Cm7 stinks and the Cm sus is perfect.  Let me know if this solves your problem.


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Last update: Friday, June 6, 2003 at 7:32 PM.