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Author Gerald Oplinger
Posted 2/23/03; 4:52:04 PM
Topic Voice Leading
Msg# 3500 (in response to 3498)
Prev/Next 3499/3501
Reads 1044

David: Thanks for a very comprehensive explanation, which pretty well matches the "guide tones" (3rd & 7th movement) voice leading principles I've been taught. When comping or playing chord melody on the guitar, though, it is very common practice to use a lot of drop-2 or drop-3 chords so the root is very often not on the bottom, or to use rootless voicings. This seems to work fine, even if you don't have a bass or piano supplying the roots below you. (I would not of course expect the scores on song trellis to be written that way.)

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Last update: Sunday, February 23, 2003 at 4:52 PM.