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Author Gerald Oplinger
Posted 2/22/03; 12:14:03 PM
Msg# 3497 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 3496/3498
Reads 1001

I just joined this group -- what a treasure trove of changes! I'm curious though about how some of the scores here handle voice leading. I've only checked a few scores, but large leaps (6ths, 7hs, even 9ths) seem common. Have to admit they still sound good, but I wonder how you decide on voice leading from chord to chord. I'm a struggling amateur guitarist, and the usual advice is to minimize large leaps when comping. (Not being critical, just trying to learn.) Maybe it's different for piano, with its huge range and two-fisted chords??

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Last update: Saturday, February 22, 2003 at 12:14 PM.