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Author Bernard Chinn
Posted 11/10/02; 11:23:35 AM
Msg# 3089 (top msg in thread)
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Composing and arranging with a sequencer

Part 3.

Having set up the sequencer we come to a more interesting part of the series, that of writing and arranging, using the instruments you have chosen in your template.

It would be defeating the object of the exercise if I were to compose on your behalf, but what I can do is to offer suggestions, help and tips relating to the arranging of your ëmasterpieceí, and provide an insight as to the use of various instruments.

This first piece will be kept as simple as possible, only using the notes of the C major scale, and the commonest chords used in the key of C. (I canít include tuition on harmony, but will assume the reader has at least a rudimentary knowledge of the subject - refer to the ëcycle.gifí the chords of ëFí and ëGí lie either side of the ëCí)

. The only instruments used in the ëExample 1í (see midi and gif files with this name) are Violins 1 and 2, plus bass. Violins 1 play the melody. Violins 2 play short accompanying harmonies on the 2nd and 3rd beats.

 Bass plays bass notes - what else? Points to notice: the melody is about as simple as one could make it, purely the scale of ëCí, but variations in the length of notes give a certain amount of variety. It finishes on a G7 - this is to allow the second part (to be included next week) to continue.

 Next week I will continue this piece and introduce new instruments aimed at enhancing this simple item.

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Last update: Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 1:52 PM.