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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 11/8/02; 8:44:58 PM
Topic cycle.gif
Msg# 3088 (in response to 3087)
Prev/Next 3087/3089
Reads 903

Bernard,  This is great material and for us visually oriented types,  your cycle wheel is a godsend.  Chester will be returning from Scotland in a few days and he's gonna love this.

Dave's site is easily the best and most educational I've found and we're damned fortunate to have you aboard.

At the risk of jumping ahead ,   tonight I was mucking with 'My Funny Valentine'  and there's a brief juicy run down that goes.... Cm,  Bbm7, A7, Abma7...don't waste any braincells on this now but if sometime in the future you find the time to discuss such classically sexy transitions,  I'm certain you'll find an eager audience.

On last communication, Chet was trying to stuff his wife in a duffel bag to cut down on return airfare  (he can be a penny pincher)  and if he and his duffel manage to get through customs in DC,  I'll make every effort get him in the group.....talented lad.  Cheap bas...d.

   Thanks again,   Chas


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Last update: Friday, November 8, 2002 at 8:44 PM.