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This sample plays an appropriate ascending scale for each chord in Beautiful Love with each scale beginning on the chord root. In this example, when a minor ii-V-i progression is used (eg. Emi7(b5)-A7b9-Dmi) we use the Locrian mode of ii, the diminished(half step first) of the V, and the Dorian mode of i. (eg. E Locrian, A diminished, D Dorian).
In a major II-V-I (Gmi7-C7-FMA7), we use the notes of the F Major scale. When you play the notes of F major scale starting on G, you spell out the G Dorian scale which fits Gmi7. When you play the notes of F major starting with C, you spell out the C mixolydian scale which fits C7.
I use G whole tone on the G7(b5) of bar 14. When we have 7th chords whose roots move chromatically, like the Bb7-A7 of bar 30, we use the mixolydian of the two roots (Bb mixolydian and A mixolydian).
The notes in the score are color coded to indicate the harmonic function of a note with respect to the root of the accompanying chord.
Color code: black - root purple-perfect 4th yellow - minor 7th brown - minor 2nd magenta - flatted 5th grey-blue -major 7th green - major 2nd red - perfect 5th dark blue - minor 3rd forest green - augmented 5th light blue - major 3rd tan- major 6th
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Last update: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 2:56 PM.