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Author Bernard Chinn
Posted 10/28/02; 2:33:47 AM
Msg# 2988 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 2987/2989
Reads 2226

David has kindly agreed to allow me to submit a series of short articles which will hopefully offer some advice and tips to any wouldbe composers or arrangers who would like to use a sequencer in their endeavours. I would like to make clear that I am, I suppose, a traditioniolist so don't expect expert advice on techno music or 'pop' sounds. I work with standard orchestral instruments, and these articles will reflect this. As we progress I hope to offer a guide thro' making an original composition, and arranging for a small orchestra of 10 to 30 players. It sounds an awesome task, but can be very rewarding. So lets get started. The first and most important requirement is what is needed in the way of equipment. These are basic items and are essential!!

1. A computer. Needn't be state of the art - but ensure that the sequencer you have or acquire operates with the version of Windows on your computer.

2. A sequencer. There are a number on the market, I suggest a more or less standard edition, no sense in paying big money for one with bells and whistles you won't need or use. There are demo sequencers to be downloaded from the Web. Sibelius2, Cubasis_InWired are two that offer demos.

3. A synthesizer. Not absolutely essential - but use it if you have one. The best player I have found is the Windows Media Player, which gives fair results for Midi files, if you have a good sound card. If you are using a synth you need the special Midi cabling to connect to the computer.

For the record I use a 450mhz computer, Cakewalk sequencer and a Roland synthesizer.

Of course I should add that it is absolutely necessary that you have a sound musical knowledge and preferable a good ear! I am not a computer whizz kid so please don't expect answers to technical questions, however I welcome general enquiries and will do my best with them. Post your queries or comments as a response to this item.

I will be posting Part 2 during the next few days, this will deal with setting up instruments etc.

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