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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 10/24/02; 8:16:06 PM
Topic Little Melonae
Msg# 2987 (in response to 2982)
Prev/Next 2986/2988
Reads 1661

Interesting bit of history.  Thanks.

   When one of my step-daughters was going through her early teen years and nothing....absolutely nothing suited her tastes.... and dramatic demonstrations of anguish at the imperfection of all things around her were her staple of communication.....I composed a short, lyrical, somewhat dissonant piano piece in honor of the state of her then pubescent mind..

  I titled it,  ' The Oh Woe Waltz'.

  I thought it was pretty good and of couse she hated it.  I jotted it down in standard bullet-hole notation and if I can find where I stashed it,  I'll dress it up and send it along.

Meanwhile,   the gist is that watching kids as they go through developemental stages can be an inspirational boon if you get stuck while in a mood to compose something.   David's inclusion of Little Melonae and his subsequent background research fits the bill,    Charles.

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Last update: Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 8:16 PM.