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Author Grahame Rhodes
Posted 10/15/02; 11:42:00 PM
Topic I Want To Talk About You
Msg# 2938 (in response to 2029)
Prev/Next 2937/2939
Reads 3013

Being particularly lazy by all accounts I tried to get the chord sequence for this tune just about everywhere. finally out of desperation since I wanted to perform it I did my own arrangement. On the night of the gig and after we had done the tune. somebody in the audience came up and said. "nice solo. Do you know that tune is based upon "misty?" Well No I hadn't but I checked and found out that I had done some sort of composit of both chord sequences since your first chord in measure #1 is Eb whereas the first chord in misty is F. I had done Eb7/F bass so there you are. I did this all the way through the tune. It seemed to work OK. Just a small point. Here is another.

I cannot find, nowhere to be found, the melody for "Say it over and over again" I even bought the Coltrane transcription book but that is really not a clue since I want to do my own thing on the chart. Just love the chord sequence by the way. I have found the lyric on the web and the chords of course. But I need the melody though. Anybody know where I might find it?????? I looked through all of Jimmy McHughs listing also, very difficult to find.

Please let me know.........................Cheers Grahame Rhodes

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Last update: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 11:42 PM.