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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 10/9/02; 7:25:38 PM
Topic Waltz Decimo
Msg# 2912 (in response to 2911)
Prev/Next 2911/2913
Reads 1199

Bernard,  I live in upstate NY, US  but my life and education constitute a pudding with ingredients from many places.  For future ref., I believe the dual 'o' in my last name tends to indicate a namesake heritage from Holland.  Really,  I thought you Brits were up on these things. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Thankyou for mentioning Borodin.  Do you know of a site where one can re-sample his work ?  It's been a while and I'm rusty on him.

Next,  I was first formally trained in drum.  The person who instructed me insisted the Waltz was 3/2.  I don't really care and at the risk of sounding like an idiot,  I would appreciate being set 3/4 the proper notation ?

On reflection,  a 3/2 bar might make more sense in a slow Jazz dirge,  New Orleans style.   With that I'll shut it except to reiterate I love your work.  It always sparks me.      Charles

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