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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 9/15/02; 8:01:52 PM
Msg# 2884 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 2883/2885
Reads 4138

I'm new to the group.  I play classical guitar with a leaning toward Gershwin, Porter, Cramichael and composers of that era.  I have been coresponding with David for a few months on a special project.   So much for my intro.           My question / problem is not of a direct musical nature but has to do with what may be unique to guitarists.   Recently my left hand, ( neck hand),  has been having bouts of explosive bursts of pain,  usually while I am fretting something like an E7b9 up next to the nut.  Are there any guitarists out there with similar experience who have battled this and won ?  My neck action is very low and my barring pressures are light so I doubt it's a matter of using too much muscle power.  I suspect it's a left hand technique problem but my suspicions have not led to relief..... Sooo....Calling All Guitarists,  if you have any knowledge of this type of problem,   ' Unca Charlie'  would like to hear from will my students if it means helping them avoid similar problems in the future. 

Many thanks and be well,   Charles

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Last update: Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 8:01 PM.