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Author David Luebbert
Posted 9/14/02; 10:43:54 PM
Msg# 2883 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 2882/2884
Reads 11708


There are two new originals on the site: Bernard Chinn submitted his Concert Waltz this week. Bernard seems to have inexhaustible ideas within his favorite form. By my count this is the 9th waltz he's presented to us via SongTrellis. There are 21 other compositions in his tune list and they are all fun to listen to.

 I wrote Garden Dream Walk a few weeks ago, lived with it awhile and decided I liked it very much. I hope you will also. Here's the score.

New rhythm

It's been awhile since we've had a new rhythm added to The Rhythms, so I decided we needed to have a rendition of Rumba Guaguanco one of the most popular of the Cuban rhumba forms.

Newest chord progressions...

    in The Changes:

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