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Author David Luebbert
Posted 2/17/01; 5:29:25 PM
Topic Timeline
Msg# 1423 (in response to 1422)
Prev/Next 1422/1424
Reads 1255

I've had a lot of luck creating melodic clothing for different rhythmic figures. Some of the other tunes I've written that use this idea are Always You Come Home, Half Bell, Changed Life, One Still Moment, Happy Rain,  David's City and RealTime 9/15/00.

By the way, it's very simple to try this kind of thing with the SongTrellis Music Editor. Its control bar allows one to choose, at user option,  a rhythm from a rhythm glossary that will be used to set the durations of the new notes entered in the score . As the user chooses pitches for his next notes, the editor knows how to keep the chosen pattern aligned with the current bar line and chooses the duration of the next melody note from the next duration in the pattern.

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