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Author David Luebbert
Posted 2/5/01; 7:01:04 PM
Topic Feedback
Msg# 1341 (in response to 1340)
Prev/Next 1340/1342
Reads 2039


   Really appreciate your response.

    I've done three renditions of your Blue Bossa changes (as best as I could understand them) that I will link to the Blue Bossa thread. Let me know if any of them sound right to you.  I was having a little trouble matching your substitutions up with the original changes because it seemed like your D0| F0| A0| Cm7 sequence was meant to replace bars 5-9 and you only spelled out three chords that must fit the first four bars somehow.

   If you've written any original compositions that you'd like to present on SongTrellis, I'd like to encourage you to do so. We only present chord progressions in The Changes because we don't want to become liable to the Harry Fox Agency for mechanical royalties . If you hold the copyright for your compositions, I promise you perpetual carriage on this site if you submit your compositions in their entirety in MIDI format. You can submit your work via the "Submit a New Sound" link that appears at the bottom of the Song Discussions page. If you can image your score as a series of GIF or JPEG files, you can submit that via the "Submit a New Picture" link and then edit your tune description to point to the image files.

  Once you've submitted your tune, you'll instantly be listed as a SongTrellis Composer and Contributor. I hope you'll do this often and encourage anyone you know who composes to do the same. I think we can learn a lot from each other.

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Last update: Monday, February 5, 2001 at 7:01 PM.