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Author Joep
Posted 2/5/01; 5:42:50 AM
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Msg# 1340 (in response to 2)
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Reads 2947

I recently found your site and, as a jazz pianist performer (non-professional), I like it very much. I find chord-schemes which are better than found in some reel- and/or fake-books while moreover you can discuss it (chord-schemes of traditional songs can be interpreted differently, etc.) The reason for my remark is the chord-scheme of Blue Bossa. I perform it with my trio and we have found that the mood of the song is very well expressed using dim+ chords (or minor 7 with the 5 diminished). We use the following scheme: Cm7(/9)| F7(9/13)| Fm7 Bb7| D0| F0| A0| Cm7 etc.. Here D0 F0 A0 indicate the dim+ chords of D F and A (without a proper editing tool writing music is hell). In your version you use the D0 also but instead of the F0 you use a G7+5 the first time and a G7-5 the second time and where I use the Cm7 you use the Cm6 (bar 8) which I can very well understand as I actually use there the A0 with a D instead of a C(A=6th of C D=9th of C) We find this progression better aspecially in the improvisations. When we play with other instruments we do the same.

I was looking at your site for the chords of Take the A-train as I am not happy with the D7-5 chord which actually forms the centre chord of the melody which I play very thin (only D,Aflat,C) (standard sequence is C6/9| C6/9| D7-5) Maybe you have a suggestion.

Thanks in advance

Joep L. Blom

P.S I have written a few songs but they rely rather heavy on the arrangement and can't be written with chords only. I have some of them in midiform but these are multi-instrumental. For my trio I only have bass-scores and melody lines (with the chords of course). If somebody is interested I can of course sent the midi-files which are the miditransloations of the handwritten scores. Up till now I don't compose with a keyboard.

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