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This animation was prepared using the SongTrellis Music Editor , a music editing application written by Dave Luebbert. Dave is also the webmaster of the SongTrellis website, a source of musical materials (chord accompaniment and rhythm tracks, full backing tracks) and music technology for students of music, composers, and improvising musicians.

The Editor instantly animates musical scores whenever the user presses the Play button which appears at the top of each score's window while the editor is active.

Such animations can be tightly synchronized to the source recording of a transcribed solo and saved in a movie file. The animation of "The Everywhere Calypso" presented on the Sonny Rollins website is the first public exhibition of the synchronized score animations that the SongTrellis Editor can produce.

The notes in animation were color coded by the Editor to show the harmonic relationship each melody pitch makes with the root of it's accompanying chord. This pitch coloring can give you a visualization of the vocabulary of harmonc ideas that Sonny uses during the course of his solo.

This page describes the production process that is used to produce a synchronized animation using the Editor:

The Music Editor, which runs on Macintosh computers, is in last stages of beta testing. If you are willing to try the software and report your experiences with it, please contact Dave and join the test.

Last update: Monday, September 1, 2008 at 4:08 PM.