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Author David Luebbert
Posted 11/20/00; 5:49:27 PM
Msg# 999 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 998/1000
Reads 1819

The Quest

Last time I updated the home page, I asked for help to find some attractive sounding changes that I've been missing. I found Soul Eyes three days later. Still looking for the others.

Right after I posted, two readers sent in requests for changes they are trying to locate. Gary Sherman, one of our members, wants to find The Meaning Of The Blues and "Tulip or Turnip", a little played Ellington number.

Another reader, Kenneth Cohen, is looking for the chords for Harold Arlen's One For My Baby (And One For The Road).

If you know where we can find fake books that show these or sheet music, please drop us a line:

The State of The Changes

We currently list 281 different chord progressions in The Changes. When we started the site, we first listed  MIDI format files that let our users hear what these progressions sound like. These MIDI sequences could be downloaded and used  for practice, study or composition.

A number of our members wanted changes to be listed in a readable form. Because of this, we've gone back and generated GIF images of the scores of the progressions for many of the tunes we list, which users can print from their browsers. By my count, we have about 75 more tunes to do so we're 3/4 finished with this effort.

When we first created  links to our score images in our tune descriptions, we used the usual form of linking which causes GIF image of a score to appear in the browser window and replace the description page. Since we play the MIDI sequence in background when a tune description is displayed, following a link to a score replaced the tune description and caused the MIDI playback to end. Eventually, we figured out that it would be most useful  if we could show the score for a chord sequence as we play the MIDI for that sequence. That way users can follow change scores while they listen to the sequence play, somewhat approximating the experience of users of the SongTrellis Editor who get to hear the music while the score is animated for them.

We eventually discovered how to create links that cause a new window to be opened, leaving the link that we've followed in its original window. Using this construct, when our users link to a score, the tune description is left in its own window with its MIDI sequence still playing. You can get the progression's MIDI sequence to replay from the beginning by refreshing the description window. You can then quickly switch to the score display.and follow the progression from the beginning.

We believe that we have found nearly all of the score links and have changed them to launch a separate score window. If you find that we've missed any, please let us know. 

Another fast way to explore what's on the site

Every song, rhythm, chord sequence or announcement we post to the SongTrellis site is recorded as one message in our Song Discussions message group.  Go ahead and follow the Song Discussions link on our link bar and select one of the messages. You'll see that every message panel displays Previous and Next links in the header that will take you to the adjacent messages in the discussion group. Any time you look at a discussion group message a URL will show up in your browsers link window that ends with a message number, like this:$500

This particular link will take you to the description for the chord changes for It's Only a Paper Moon,  which we submitted on July 8th. This, the current newest message, is message 999. If you change the message number at the end of the URL to a number between 1 and 999 you can look at any part of this site's history. You may find something interesting  that you didn't realize was buried down there. Once you get to a random part of the site, follow the Next and Previous links on messages and see what was happening back then. You can scan across 20 or 30 messages really quickly using these fields, letting you examine large swaths of the site. Bon apetite!

New chord sequences in The Changes

New Printable Scores for chord progressions

My Ship, Willow Weep For Me, Darn That Dream, Song For My Father, Stella By Starlight, On Green Dolphin Street, People Will Say We're In Love, As Time Goes By, Satin Doll, I Mean You, Isn't It Romantic, Nefertitit, Nostalgia In Times Square, Now's The Time, One Finger Snap, Organ Grinder and Ornithology.

Also Speak Low, Speak No Evil, Chelsea Bridge, My Romance, Out Of Nowhere, Someday My Prince Will Come, Lonnie's Lament, Gloria's Step, Solar, and 502 Blues.

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Last update: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 2:01 PM.