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Author David Luebbert
Posted 4/2/13; 1:03:30 AM
Msg# 5931 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 5930/5932
Reads 1635

New: The Leap to Harmonic Interval page

The Leap To Harmonic Interval link on the SongTrellis link bar allows you to audition different ways to move melodically within a particular chord and between different chords.

When you follow that link, a target chord, a goal harmonic interval that will be played above that chord, a melodic interval leap size and a direction of leap (up or down) will be randomly chosen, and a music example and score will be generated that starts with a pitch that is the specified melodic interval size and direction away from the chosen harmonic interval forming pitch of the goal chord, and that places the next note on a pitch that creates the specified harmonic interval.

If you like what you hear, you've found an idea that you can use to begin your own music composition. If you find the randomly generated idea distasteful, you can change the controls and choose a different melodic interval size, different melodic interval direction, different harmonic interval goal, or different goal chord. As soon as you change these settings, your new idea will be performed and displayed for you.

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Last update: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 at 1:05 AM.