Everytime this page refreshes, the Tunetext description stored in this Tunetext button will cause a new score to be generated and performed. Click on music to launch a Tunetext page so that you can customize this music for your own purposes.
The parameters of this Tunetext Button contain Chord Variation operators. Those will generate a new chord progression for this score when this page is refreshed.
Then once the chord progression is set during the course of interpreting the Button's Tunetext description, Melodic Motion operators, which specify how the melody is supposed to move by chord and scale step, generate a melody which fits the newly generated harmony.
The Melodic Motion operators recorded within the button's melody description will cause the "Row Row Row Your Boat" melody to be accurately performed when the the original chords of the song are played.
When different chords are played as the accompaniment, though, a different melody is produced that preserves the rhythm and contour of the original.
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Check home page to learn about newly submitted tunes, chord progressions, and rhythms.
Last update: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 at 2:32 PM.