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Author David Luebbert
Posted 11/9/10; 8:21:14 PM
Msg# 5776 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 5775/5777
Reads 886

Below the break, this page shows 11 scores generated by the Row, Row, Row Your Boat Variation Factory and 4 scores generated by a factory I set up for an 8 measure melody that I wrote on Tuesday. You can click on the Play buttons in the controller below each mini-score to hear the music that was made.

If you're not familiar with the idea of a Variation Factory, (you won't be, I coined the term this week), that's a webpage that generates a new melodic variation that fits a newly generated chord progression every time the page is refreshed.

The software that creates the new melody follows a sequence of Melodic Motion operators, a description of a series of melodic skips through chord tones and scale tones which fit the underlying harmony. That list of motion operators is hidden within a Tunetext button that is stored on the factory page. The generated melody follows the rhythm and contour of an original model melody, but the pitch choices most likely will have a color and mood that is quite different from the original model.

You can tell you are dealing with a Tunetext button, when you see a small framed musical score with an invitation printed below it that invites you to click on the music to hear it played. If you do click on a Tunetext button, a page will launch that lets you package up that music in many different ways so that you can to present that music on your own websites, if you wish.

If you press the button on that page that launches, which is titled "Edit Tunetext Parameters", you can see the operators of the score description, plus many options to customize the score (change tempo or instrumentation, add a click track, show notes with a color code added so that you can easier identify their harmonic or melodic function).

If you learn the description language for Tunetexts, you can reach into their parameter list to change the music to something different, and then submit the form to hear your changes.

I've composed new compositions by adding operators to the end of a Tunetext's parameter list, and then listening to hear if the change I made was musical or not. I trust my ears to tell me when a change I made doesn't work, so when that happens, I erase my last addition or alter it slightly to try something different.

Used that way a Tunetext description can be a ratchet tool for finding new music.

If you check the timestamps, for each variation, I typically was able to find a variation that was a keeper every minute or two. This would be the time it would take to audition three or four attempts that didn't work write to my ears, until a better idea showed up onscreen.

Example 11-9-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 3:41:50 PM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-9-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 3:36:28 PM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-9-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 3:35:33 PM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-9-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 3:35:14 PM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-9-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 3:34:53 PM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-9-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 3:34:32 PM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-9-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 3:33:49 PM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-9-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 3:32:54 PM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-9-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 3:32:22 PM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-9-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 3:31:51 PM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-9-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 3:31:17 PM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-9-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 3:29:46 PM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-9-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 3:28:43 PM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-9-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 3:27:53 PM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-9-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 3:27:26 PM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-9-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 3:26:46 PM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-9-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 3:25:43 PM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-9-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 3:25:12 PM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-9-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 2:30:22 PM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-9-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 2:29:45 PM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-9-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 2:26:13 PM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-8-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 12:22:23 AM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-8-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 12:13:47 AM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-8-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 12:12:59 AM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-8-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 12:07:53 AM  by David Luebbert

Example 11-8-10
Click on music to play    Submitted on 11/9/10; 12:06:05 AM  by David Luebbert

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Last update: Friday, November 12, 2010 at 7:22 PM.