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Tunetext Button macro: 7th chords, Major 2nd root motion

Submitted by David Luebbert
Posted 5/4/10; 12:01:42 PM
Msg# 5749 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 5748/5750
Reads 673

The service which performs music score edit operations has become unresponsive for the SongTrellis site. This service should reactivate shortly. Once it reactivates, you should be able to successfully retry this operation.

A tiny harmony example with an explanation of how it was built.

First, the music theory math that was invoked to create this kind of harmonic sensation.

Choose a particular chord root (choose C to make it easy) and build a particular type of chord on top of it (in this case the 7 chord type).

Now choose a particular size of root motion. In this case we choose to Ascend by Major 2nd. We build a sequence of chord roots, by applying this root motion to the last chord root to find our next root. We build the same chord type on that root. We keep going until the sequence we generate wraps around to the original chord root.

Starting on C, the cycle of chords we generate will be:


The math goes like this: up MA2 from C gives D, up MA2 from D gives E, up MA2 from E gives F#, up MA2 from F# gives G#, up MA2 from G# gives A#, up MA2 from A# brings us back to C.

There are 12 possible chord roots we could have visited. If we write them in an ascending list, we have:


Since this list ascends by an interval of a minor 2nd, and two minor 2nds added together makes a major 2nd, visiting roots by jumping up a Major 2nd interval visits every other root in the list of 12.

If we choose the root that's a minor second higher than C, the closest one above C and repeatedly apply the ascending Major 2nd root motion until that sequence wraps around, building a 7th chord on each stop, we will generate the chord root cycle:

Db,Eb,F,G,A,B,and Db

which picks up every root we missed in the first cycle. Build 7th chords on those roots, and we generate the chord sequence:


Now an explanation of the tiny bit of computer software magic that created this score the instant this message was posted.

A new kind of macro, which is available to include in SongTrellis message postings starting today, was used to create the score for this example.

The example score was generated by the SongTrellis Tunetext service because I typed a new macro to create Tunetext Buttons, called songtrellisSuite.tunetext.tunetextButton, in the text for this posting.

In the first parameter of the macro, I declared that the cycle that starts and ends on C should be played in the first 8 measures, followed by the cycle that starts and ends on Db in the second 8 measures. I just typed the chord names in the proper sequence in that first macro parameter, and included operators in the list to make certain chords have a longer duration.

I did double the duration of the last stop in the two cycles to reinforce the impression that we've gone on aural trips away from C and Db and have returned home from our excursions.

Click within the score rectangle to play the Tunetext button

When you click on the mini-score in the rectangle above, a new tab will launch in your browser and the SongTrellis Tunetext service will play you that music. The music will play with a metronomic click track so that you can hear where the beat is felt in that music.

Once you've launched a tunetext, you can change its parameters to change how the music is played or change what music is played

Every tunetext window has an "Edit Tunetext Parameters" button that appears to the right of the score display in the window. That will launch a form that will let you change the tempo of the music, change the instrumentation used in the score, color the notes in the score, or to change the music for ths core. After you make a change in the form, and press the "Submit Score" button in the lower right corner of the form, the score will be performed with the changes you've requested.

I don't think technology to do this kind of thing is available anyplace else on the web. Let me know if there's reason I should change my opinion.

Here's macro text that was pasted into the top of this message posting to create the example score

{songtrellisSuite.tunetext.tunetextButton("chords:(C7,D7,E7,F#7,G#7,A#7,*2,C7,/2,Db7,Eb7,F7,G7,A7,B7,*2,Db7,/2),voice1:(),voice2:(),voice3:()","7th chord cycle by Major 2nd",0,120,fClickTrack:1,width:600)}

The first parameter is the the tunetext that described the score.

The second parameter is the title of the sequence.

The 0 in the third parameter means don't display the title in the score that's shown.

The 120 setting of the fourth parameter means perform the score at a tempo of 120 beats per minute.

The fClickTrack parameter set to 1 means that the score should be performed with a click track. A setting of 0 would mute the click.

The width parameter setting of 600 means that the score image should be produced with a width of 600 pixels.

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Last update: Tuesday, May 4, 2010 at 2:31 PM.