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Author David Luebbert
Posted 7/16/08; 11:42:16 PM
Topic This Love of Mine
Msg# 5487 (in response to 5484)
Prev/Next 5486/5488
Reads 815

Dave, thanks for this.

Checking the site logs, it looks like you entered This Love of Mine as a tunetext, copied that into your Workscore, and then submitted the tune from the Workscore.

I wouldn't call it a feature, but the process that copies a tunetext to the end of a Workscore does not currently transfer the tunetext tempo.

The default tempo of a tunetext is 200 bpm. The default for Workscore is 80 beats per minute. After the music has been transferred it's tempo is more than halved.

When I return from vacation, I'll change those copy scripts to transfer tempo also.

I see that you've already submitted a new version of the changes for the tune to play it at a faster tempo.

Once you've submitted a tune, you can press the "Edit This Page" button that appears on the page for your original submission and then resubmit a new rendition of the MIDI sequence for the tune.

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Last update: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 11:42 PM.