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Author David Luebbert
Posted 5/6/08; 8:21:55 PM
Msg# 5463 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 5462/5464
Reads 93542

New Posting to The Changes

John-Erik, a new visitor to the site, asked if I could post a chord progression arrangement of Monk's Skippy.

He's practicing his cycle of fifths and thought this one would provide a good workout. He's right, Monk is carpet bombing the cycle idea with this tune.

The hard part was finding which fakebook or sheet music collection around my office had the tune. End's up it was the "Jazz Ltd." fakebook. It took about 5 minutes using Tunetext  to type the chord sequence in.

Screencast video demo of creating a harmony accompaniment using SongTrellis Tunetext

I did this demo this morning to show how quickly it's possible to create a harmony accompaniment for practicing using Tunetext.

 New Video Demonstrations department

Look on the link bar above towards the end between "Search" and "Playlists". That's a pointer to the 9 screencasts I've posted so far on Revver, that demonstrate how to do cool things using services on the SongTrellis site. Every time I do a new one, it shows up there. I'll also be adding links to relevant videos on pages that use a demoed service.

You can see links to the first ones I did toward the bottom of the Playlists index page.

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Last update: Tuesday, May 6, 2008 at 8:45 PM.