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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 10/10/07; 11:55:45 AM
Topic MP3 conversions of my postings.
Msg# 5330 (in response to 5328)
Prev/Next 5329/5331
Reads 541

Folks, If you need any impetus to visit and pay a lousy buck to listen to a new Bernie Chinn mp3 ;   The other day he sent me a beautiful new mood piece call ' Morning' and now he tells me it's only available to the rest of you thru  I can vouch that it's worth at least a buck !!

  Not to worry, Bernie is anything but a mean old piker, he would just like to recoup a few pennies against the considerable investment he has in his piano, recording equipment et al..

 Yers, Chas

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Last update: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 at 11:55 AM.