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Author David Luebbert
Posted 9/17/07; 8:30:30 PM
Msg# 5318 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 5317/5319
Reads 69521

Last month I did some experiments with the video services at Kyte allows anyone who wishes to open a channel on their site to present videos under a name of their choosing. I chose to create a channel called the SongTrellis Workshop.

Kyte provides producers with a set of highly evolved video production widgets on their "Produce Show" webpage. I use their web Webcam widget to record videos directly from my Mac Book Pro.

Here's what's been posted so far:

Intro to the SongTrellis Workshop (8/1/2007) duration 1 min 23 sec

I introduce the SongTrellis Workshop channel and make the first public mention of SongTrellis Tunetext URLs during this short clip. The tunetext URL I mention during the video is here

Harmony Tour #1 (8-1-2007) Duration: 8 min 10 sec

I start off showing the harmony playing capability of the SongTrellis Chord Grid, a useful facility to have available in a talk about harmony.

I try to explain the idea of a chord progression in two minutes, and explain that for any chord you choose, it has two very close neighbors of the same type. Since there's two of them, you could think of them as the neighbor on the left and the neighbor on the right, and this is how they are represented in the Chord Grid.

I then present five extremely simple four chord progressions, all built on the same plan. Each starts with a home chord of some type, visits the neighbor on the right, visits the neighbor on the left and then comes home again. I demo this on a Major triad, a minor triad, a MA7(#11), and a mi9th chord

A Harmonic Palette for 7th chords (8/2/2007) 13 min 34 sec.

I talk about the idea of a palette of harmonic intervals. I play a C7th chord to introduce its sound, and then use the rest of the video to present the sound of and discuss the quality of each of the 12 harmonic intervals you can build on top of a 7th chord.

After I did this video, I thought it might be useful to create a web page on SongTrellis that can demonstrate the sound of the twelve possible harmonic intervals above any chosen chord. In a few days time, I had the Harmonic Interval Palette web page working. I decided it would be good to do a screencast on Kyte that shows how to use this new feature of the site.

Screencast demo of the Harmonic Interval Palette (8/7/2007) 5 min 50 sec

The last two videos are just for fun. In the first, I vocally introduce a rhumba part and then spin a vocal improvisation around that part. It's the same game in the second, except I use a relative of one of the Kpanlogo parts as my starting point.

Vocal improv on a Rhumba pattern (8/2/07) 2 min 24 secs

Vocal improv on the Kpanlogo rhythm (8/2/07) 1 min 26 secs

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Last update: Monday, September 17, 2007 at 9:56 PM.