SongTrellis |
Pam, Thanks very much for this report. At the moment, all of those Workscore Composer related pages seem to function without error. My search of the site server log for the 1400 hour today, the period where you made your attempts to use those pages, didn't shed much light on the problem. I can see the web page replies coming back to you in a reasonably quick fashion, but that doesn't tell me what was going on between the main web server and the Mac that handles Workscore edit requests. I'll be turning on more detailed logging on the Mac so that I can better diagnose this kind of report in the future. If you can remember any details of the macro error message that might give me a better idea of what was going on. The Mac service that handles Workscore edits does crash occasionally. There is code that watches for this to happen , which restarts the editing service, usually in about 30 seconds. You would get a macro error that says the Mac reported a -600 error, if you made a Workscore request while this was going on. The supervisor code on the Mac claims the editor hasn't restarted today, so I'd guess you didn't see this. If there were an internal network glitch at the server farm where the SongTrellis site runs that deleyed the Mac from responding, that might cause edit requests to be held so long that they would time out, causing a macro error message that would mention that a timeout occured. I'll keep an eye out to see if I can catch it misbehaving.There are responses to this message:
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Last update: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 at 4:29 PM. |