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Author David Luebbert
Posted 8/7/07; 8:18:39 AM
Msg# 5285 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 5284/5286
Reads 66306

SongTrellisWorkshop on

I've been experimenting the past few days with I've opened a channel there called SongTrellisWorkshop that I'll be using to explain new things I'm working on for this site and with the SongTrellis Music Editor. Below this text, I've embedded the Kyte video player so you can see how it works. In the first show I talked about SongTrellis Tunetext, a way to create web based musical examples extremely quickly. The second posting was a Harmony Tour, where I showed off the idea of visiting a chord of particular type and then visiting it's closest harmonic neighbors before coming back to the original chord. In the third show I run down all 12 of the harmonic intervals of 7th chords.

Shows 4 and 5 are just for fun. I did a vocal improv on a rhumba and another on a subpart of the Kpanlogo rhythm.

If you have a computer with a video camera built in like my MacBook Pro, it takes about a half hour to figure out how to post videos to Kyte. Producing a video, after you've done it once, takes second.

One of the coolest things about Kyte is that each channel has a Live Chat stream attached to it. Using that folks can type text questions, comments, and requests. If a person is logged in to the site, they can post audio or video comments to the chat stream also.

I'm going to make sure that the Kyte player always appear within the last posting on the SongTrellis homepage. I think we SongTrellis folks will be able to do some very interesting things now that we have chat available through the home page.

 I use the chat to present additional info related to my video postings. If you hear a chime as you are viewing this page, that's the signal that someone has just posted something to the IM stream.

I'll be on the Kyte IM stream till about 10 AM PST this morning and then will get on again late this evening. We're travelling to Seattle this morning and will not get back till after sundown most likely, if the Washington State Ferries have their usual summertime crush.

Link to SongTrellis Workshop Channel on
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Last update: Sunday, August 12, 2007 at 9:18 PM.