Politics, anyone? My hometown Selectmen got this brainstorm of trying to build a fire station in the park of a residential neighborhood. Keep Gilmore Green, my answer, became an anthem for residents many of whose homes had been purchased because of the park. I hereby grant my blessing to any homeowner in the free world who might be tempted to use this song toward the same objective. -- njm
The voters of our town repeatedly shot down
That Gilmore site
Some firemen even would have you believiní
It just wasnít right
Couldnít their new station be more sensibly placed
Gouging out a playground would be such a disgrace
So now that Iíve reached you, may I beseech you
Keep Gilmore Green
The kids and their T-ball, does anyone recall
When they werenít there
The hers and the his be, a dog and a Frisbee,
With no other care
Isnít that why people leave the city behind
Rather than be preyed upon like ducks in a blind
Reject all the nonsense, vote with your conscience
Keep Gilmore Green
Keep Gilmore Green, friend, Keep Gilmore Green
Open fields are scarce enough
Dontcha know what I mean
Send the word to the corporate sector
Set their sights along a different vector
Use the old bean and Keep Gilmore Green