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Author David Luebbert
Posted 9/23/06; 5:11:27 PM
Msg# 4963 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 4962/4964
Reads 6124

When must I save the contents of my Workscore?

The results of your last Workscore edits are always saved as part of your SongTrellis account information. Your workscore contents persist forever until you decide to clear them by pressing the Erase Workscore button that is available on the Workscore Composer, Workscore Chord Entry, and Chord Entry By Grid webpages. .

This means you can logoff on one computer system, log in with your web browser on a different machine weeks or months later, and still see your workscore the way you left it the last time you edited it. It's just part of your SongTrellis account.

 No one else can see the contents of your Workscore or edit it, unless they have access to your email id and SongTrellis password.

If you've never before used your Workscore, you will see that it is empty when  you visit the Workscore Chord Entry, Chord Entry By Grid, or the Workscore Composer.pages for the first time.

Must I publish my Workscore at some point?

You may publish your Workscore to a  Harmony Project or a listing in Our Composers for yourself or another composer at any point, but you may work privately without publishing. If you wish, you can create a score in your workscore and save it to your computer's hard disk, using the "Download composition from Workscore" link that appears on the Workscore Composer, Workscore Chord Entry, and Chord Entry By Grid pages. You can then clear your Workscore, to work on another score. No one else will see your work until you decide to publish it.

How can I save  the contents of my Workscore to my computer?

 To save your current Workscore contents, you can right click (Ctrl-click on Macs) on the "Download composition from Workscore" link in the right panel of Workscore Composer, and save a MIDI dump of your workscore. You can then read this into an editing program and work with it there. If you want to save the Workscore's printable score, right click on the score image (Ctrl-click on Macs) and save that to your hard disk.

How do I publish my Workscore contents to a Harmony Projects listing?

In either the Workscore Chord Entry or Chord Entry By Grid pages. press the button in the score display panel that entitled "Submit To SongTrellis Harmony Projects". After you provide a title for the submission, type any explanatory text, and press the Submit button in the form that is displayed, the score will be published and linked into your Harmony Projects listing.

If you have never before submitted a Harmony Project, a listing under your name will be added to the site's Harmony Projects page, which will link to your new submission.

When you submit a score to the Harmony Projects, the score image is displayed in a piano staff that includes bass and treble clef.

How do I publish my Workscore contents to a listing in Our Composers?

From the Workscore Composer page, press the "Submit To SongTrellis" button which is displayed at the bottom of the score display panel on the page. After you provide a title for the submission, the name of the composer of the work and type any explanatory text, and press the Submit button in the form that is displayed, the score will be published and linked into the listing for that composer within Our Composers.

If a score for that composer has never before submitted to the site,  that composer's listing  will be added to the site's Our Composers page, which will link to your new submission.

How long does it take for the SongTrellis server to record a new music submission from a workscore?

After you press the Submit button to post  your workscore to the server, it usually takes 10 or 15 seconds and sometimes as long as a minute for your submission to be recorded there. The server can't show you the new page for your submission until this recording process completes.

If you press the Submit button serveral times before that reply page appears, you will end up posting your submission more than once in SongDiscussions, which wastes server storage resources and confuses SongTrellis visitors. 

How do the Workscore Chord Entry, Chord Enty By Grid and Workscore Composer web pages interact with my Workscore?

These pages each provide a view of your current Workscore contents in their rightmost panels. Different groups of editing controls are provided on the left sides of these pages, which allow you to make changes to the score recorded in your workscore.

The Workscore Chord Entry page provides you with a control to allow you to add chords to the end or beginning of the chord voice in your workscore by specifying their root, type, and duration.

The Chord Entry By Grid page provides you with a grid of named squares whose subsquares each represent a particular chord type built on a particular chord root. Clicking on a grid square causes a voicing for the selected chord to be auditioned in a display panel that appears in the center of the page. If you enjoy how that new chord sounds in the context of the chord progression you are creating in your workscore, you can use controls displayed in the center panel to add the new chord to the end or begiining of your workscore's chord progression.

The left panel of the Workscore Composer page provides you with control groupings which can help you invent  a new melody which harmonizes with a chord progression you have recorded in your Workscore. One of the control groups allow you to type in the notes from existing sheet music if you are creating a playable score for yourself.

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Last update: Sunday, September 24, 2006 at 2:45 PM.