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Author charles pirozzi
Posted 9/20/06; 6:27:22 AM
Msg# 4943 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 4942/4944
Reads 908

Dear Mr. Chinn  I have Listened to your music and I admire it greatlyThank you for responding to my message. It would be great if you can fulfill my request . I have a few people tentatively working on it for me the request is; On a recent cd I bought Called Bill Evans And Eddie Costa Play music from Guys and dolls, Bill Plays a refrain of about 35 seconds just before the chorus of EVER LOVIN ADELAIDE and it leads directly into the tune, as if it were a written verse.I have researched  without success. I have never heard this refrain before although I have heard the tune many times in the past. I would not put it past bill  to have created it.
Would it be possible to transcribe the chord changes  for me. I have memorized the melody. yours respectfully Charlie

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Last update: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 at 7:38 PM.