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Author David Luebbert
Posted 6/2/06; 9:51:30 PM
Topic Last Night When We Were Young
Msg# 4858 (in response to 4857)
Prev/Next 4857/4859
Reads 1217

I agree that it would be easier, but then this site could no longer be a free site under United States copyright law. If we included either melody or lyrics for a copyrighted tune on the site, we would be obligated to pay license fees to the copyright holders. We would be forced to charge fees to cover this expense if we provided access to complete scores for tunes or provided MIDI sequence downloads which include a tune's melody.

Chord progression arrangements that do not copy existing arrangements are free of this obligation.

When composers choose to post work on SongTrellis in "The Composers" department of the site, they many times also post a complete score of the work. I've done that for all of my own compositions. In such a case, they have given SongTrellis a royalty-free license to present their work.

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Last update: Friday, June 2, 2006 at 9:51 PM.