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Author David Luebbert
Posted 3/24/06; 1:37:44 AM
Msg# 4801 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 4800/4802
Reads 610

Dexter Gordon performed in Bertrand Travenier's film Round Midnight as an expatriate jazz saxophonist, Dale Turner, down and out in Paris.

This film excerpt includes a performance by Dexter, as Turner, performing As Time Goes By in a small nightclub and shows Turner's future friend Francis shivering in the rain listening to the music from outside the club because he lacks the money to be admitted.

The band is wonderful: pianist Herbie Hancock, guitarist John McLaughlin, drummer Billy Higgins. I believe the bassist is Pierre Michelot.

Link: Video excerpt from the Bertrand Travenier film Round Midnight found on

The video is in Flash format, which will progressively download as you leave the YouTube window open. If the video hesitates during initial playback, wait till the movie controller shows that the video is completely downloaded and slide the playback control to the left side of the window on its track to restart the video.

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Last update: Friday, March 24, 2006 at 1:43 AM.